Tuesday, October 15, 2013

24 Hours Away From the Burg

So this weekend was way fun because I was able to go down to Utah to spend a day with my mom! (She is up for a conference) It was a great 24 hours in which I FINALLY got some California fast food. It was wonderful. After missing my 8 am shuttle and waking up at 11:30, I finally got on the 2 pm shuttle and then arrived in Salt Lake. My mom picked me up and then I FINALLY GOT SOME FOOD! :D And I must say that after a month without it, my Chipotle burrito was amazing to say the least.
After that we went shopping! I was able to pick up somethings that I needed for my apartment as well as some warm clothes that will be extremely useful come the next few weeks, which clothes I love. After that we headed back to her hotel so I could put my stuff away and submit some homework. After that we made a late night run to Cold Stone, which was also extremely delicious, after which we came home and played cards and talked for a few hours. Eventually we were up til at least 1:30 (my mom told me the next morning that she is to old to be living like a college student and staying up that late) after which we finally quit our nertz game and went to bed. Sunday morning we got up and went to church. Sacrament meeting was pretty fun, especially with all of the kids who bore their testimonies (and in some cases "buried" their testimonies). There was also another who claimed that "baptism is a big 'party' of life." They were extremely funny and very cute, but touching at the same time. After church we headed back to the apartment and did some family history (mainly fixing my tree), but we also found out that we are directly related to King Louis I & II of France and Charlemagne. After that I packed up and left for Salt Lake again to catch my shuttle back to the burg. It was a great weekend!
My In-N-Out was a spiritual experience.       A rainbow on the way to Salt Lake
                    My mom and I :)                                          On the shuttle to Rexburg

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! Way to party. Yep, your mom is probably too old. I know I am and I am old that her!! :-) You look great!
